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The dictionary says,

Comatose – { adjective } :
1.Relating to or in a state of coma
2.Marked by lethargy; torpid
Origin : Late 17th century: from Greek kōma, kōmat- ‘deep sleep’ + -OSE [suffix : forming adjectives having a specified quality]

I live
dawn to darks-
insignificant words,
aimless letters;
writes retiring
into comatose




So, “History repeats itself” ??

The phenomenon of Historic Reccurence can be defined as the repetition of similar events in history. This concept has been applied to the overall history of the world,the rise and falls of empires, to repetitive patterns in the history of a given polity, and to any two specific events which bear a striking similarity.

As quoted by André Gide – “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”

Extra Reading : The concept of Multiple discovery is closely related
to Historic Reccurence which believes that most scientific 
discoveries and inventions are made independently and more or less 
simultaneously by multiple scientists and inventors.
Also the mathematical concept of the Menger sponge,that exhibits an 
infinite surface area and zero volume simultaneously is an example 
of a fractal phenomenon which again displays repetition.

recurring thoughts;
flare into words;
into abstracts;
slowly into
eloquent verses




And they call it a Déjà vu, something of a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A phenomenon wherein a sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not. Science explains it as an anomaly of memory, which creates a distinct impression that an experience is “being recalled”.

I reignite
a Déjà vu
of my writes,
and my perceptions




As I lived the
dawn to darks,
with the
insignificant words,
building up,
aimless letters.
My writes retire
into comatose;
myself drinking
into the
numb abeyance !!

Slowly, my unconcerned,
but recurring thoughts;
on occasion,
flare up into words;
to perhaps loiter
into abstracts;
lastly enduring
and silhouetting,
into eloquent verses !!

And I reignite
a Déjà vu
of the inklings;
of my writes,
of those alphabets;
the expositions;
and my perceptions !!
Etching down
the writes again,
life and space,
in all the awkwardness..
As its all outlines,
bare glimpses of what I see…”

My writings.

From a comatose,
like a historic reccurance
into a rhythmic Déjà vu !!





Yes!! I am back after a hiatus (hope I stay long !!) and so decided to come up with this “weird prose-poetry post”. I wish to tag along my awesome friends here who has been helpful & inspiring from the begins –

My first official friend here , Saaya and then comes Jithin , Zee , Sweety , Maniparna , The Multi Talented Artist 🙂 , Aadhirai , Upasana , Ranjini and many many many more !!

Now take a walk along
this “empty” corridor
and surprise yourself
with a some of the
beautiful souls
who have always been
kind to me;
& have supported me throughout !!

(Keep clicking n clicking and clicking on the corridor !!)

The wonderful souls I have met !!





I had to change my blog address due to some privacy issues; and have 
updated all links.
But some old links may not get directed to.
Regret for the inconvenience !!

Photo Credits : Upasana, my dear friend and the wonderful travel
Instagram Page : https://instagram.com/mytraveldiaryblog/